Environmental Labelling - webinar

OTB Webinar on Thursday 13th October 2022, 10am. Environmental consumer labelling is coming and it is critical for the organic sector to be prepared and preferably ahead of the curve on this and fully aware of the options and implications of new labelling approaches.

Reaching out to Consumers

Organic Trade Board invites you, members and non-members, to join us for an exceptional and vitally important virtual webinar and panel discussion on Environmental Labelling on Thursday 13th October @ 10am.

Environmental consumer labelling is coming and it is critical for the organic sector to be prepared and preferably ahead of the curve on this and fully aware of the options and implications of new labelling approaches.  

The OTB will be joined by Silvia Schmidt - Policy Manager at IFOAM OE, Emma Piercy Head of Climate Change & Energy Policy at the FDF, Sabine Bonnot, President at ITAB, Roger Kerr, CEO of Organic Farmers & Growers and Lee Holdstock, Senior Business and Trade Development Manager at Soil Association Certification.

Silvia Schmidt will talk through the background and options of the environmental label the EU is working on and the input from the organic industry.

Emma Piercy will share how the Food and Drink Federation and its members are engaging on Environmental labelling.

Sabine Bonnot will give more insights on the Planet Score and its importance for the UK organic industry in developing an environmental labelling system.

Roger Kerr and Lee Holdstock will join Silvia, Sabine and Emma for a panel discussion chaired by Adrian Carne, OTB Chairman and FDF Organic Group vice-chair.

The webinar is virtual and you can book a place on the link below. Eventbrite Link to Book (for full information)

Reaching out to Shoppers

SOPA Members have been invited to join this webinar, hence we are sharing the link to join with you.  Given the current threats that the cost-of-living crisis is throwing at organic sales, the subject of Environmental Labelling is something to consider adding to your promotional portfolio.  While not specifically organic, this webinar will outline some of the options that can be added to the language you use when promoting organic food and drink. SOPA is a member of the Organic Trade Board and regularly engages with them on organic interests in Scotland.


PO Box Golspie, KW106AA
Email: info@sopa.org.uk Tel: 0300 772 9795

Scottish Organic Producers Association, Registered Office is c/o Drummond Laurie, Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Rd, Perth, PH2 8BX.
Scottish Organic Producers Association is a Co-operative registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, Registration Number SP02278R. Organic Certification GB-ORG-17